Gas spring on the dressing table

A gas spring is a device that generates force through gas compression and release, commonly used to provide support, cushioning, or regulate force functions. Although gas springs are usually more commonly used in furniture, automobiles, mechanical tools, and other fields, in theory, as long as they are properly designed and installed, gas springs can also be used on dressing tables.


On the dressing table, gas springs can be applied in several ways, depending on your needs and design. Here are some possible application methods:
1. Mirror support: The mirror on the dressing table usually needs to be supported at a specific angle or height. You can use gas springs to provide support, allowing the mirror to maintain a fixed tilt angle for easy adjustment and observation by the user.
2. Drawer buffer: If your dressing table has drawers, you can consider installing air springs on the drawer slides. Gas springs can provide a cushioning effect, allowing the drawer to stop slowly and smoothly when closed, avoiding violent impacts or noise.
3. Height adjustment: Some dressing tables may have adjustable height functions to meet the needs of different users. In this case, you can consider using gas springs to provide support for height adjustment. By adjusting the air pressure of the gas spring, the height of the dressing table can be changed to adapt to different user heights.
4. Flip Mirror: If you have a reversible mirror on your dressing table, you can use gas springs to provide support and ensure that the mirror remains in a stable position during use. This allows you to easily flip the mirror surface without worrying about it accidentally falling or folding.
These are just some possible application methods, and you can decide whether to install gas springs on the dressing table and how to apply them based on your own needs and design ideas. Please contact us before installation to ensure safe and correct use.


Post time: Jul-14-2023