why the gas spring cannot be pressed down?

Firstly,the hydraulic rod may have been damaged, and the machine itself has failed, so the gas spring cannot be pressed down. This often happens when the gas spring is used for a period of time, and the control of the gas spring is unstable and the pressing fails.

Secondly, the angle of the pneumatic spring hydraulic rod is used incorrectly, and the pneumatic spring is also realized according to the lever principle. If the power arm of the pneumatic spring is too short to fully exert the power of the power arm, the pneumatic spring will not be able to press down.

Thirdly,the force of the hydraulic rod acting on the air spring is too small. Generally, there is a corresponding pressure in the air spring according to the design. If people are not strong enough, the air spring can not be pressed down. Generally, when the internal pressure exceeds 25KG, it is difficult for people to press down.

After we understand the reason why the gas spring cannot be pressed down, we can take measures to solve the problem according to the specific reason. When the gas spring hydraulic rod has been damaged, the gas spring manufacturer recommends not to use the damaged gas spring again, but to replace it with a new one. The possibility of repairing the damaged gas spring is very small, and the reuse efficiency is very low, and it is difficult to control, so replacing the gas spring is a better method. I can adjust the hydraulic angle of the pneumatic spring appropriately, extend the power arm, and make full use of the lever principle to compress the spring. Because it is difficult for people to press the gas spring when the pressure is more than 25kg, it needs to be installed on the component to use the lever principle to press. Another thing we should pay attention to is that we must pay attention to safety when replacing the gas spring or operating the lower compressed air spring. Although the gas spring is highly controllable, the gas spring contains high pressure gas. If the operation is improper, there is a potential safety hazard.

The gas spring manufacturer suggested that during the installation and use of the gas spring, attention should be paid to the problems that need to be paid to, the gas spring should be maintained, the gas spring should not be corroded, and attention should be paid to the maintenance of the gas spring. In case of problems, the gas spring should be replaced in time to avoid potential safety hazards. When selecting the gas spring, we should not only consider the price of the gas spring, but also consider the quality of the gas spring.

Post time: Dec-23-2022